Affiliate Marketing Vs Starting Your Own Business

By Russell Howe

In 2013 it is predicted that over 1,000,000 individuals will attempt to become their own boss via the internet. While not all of those people will succeed, it is certainly possible to build an income from home providing you are prepared to put in the work. Today we'll look at two options for achieving self employment, comparing starting your own business to affiliate marketing with companies like Empower Network and Amazon.

Thanks to the power of the worldwide web, anybody can gain recognition in their specialist field by simply learning how to apply certain marketing techniques to their work. If you are persistent you will reach success.

The main problem with a lot of individuals who dream of becoming their own boss, unfortunately, is that they don't have the determination to put in the hard work in order to gain the recognition they need to turn that favorite pastime into a solid income. If you possess the drive to make it happen, however, then the online world really is your oyster.

All the internet really does is to provide you with a platform to launch your idea. How far you go will depend how much effort you put into developing your dream. Free methods of traffic are everywhere, from Twitter and Facebook to Youtube. The online age has presented a great opportunity for those who aren't afraid to apply themselves.

Of course, not everyone has a favorite hobby they wish to pursue as a career and some don't like the concept of starting from the ground floor. This is where affiliate marketing becomes useful. This is a growing area of interest online, with many people choosing to align themselves to established brands and earn their income by simply recommending that company's products to others around the world.

Ultimately, though, becoming an affiliate is the easier choice as it presents the user with a pre-built home business and the ability to piggy back on the already established reputation of the company they choose to represent. The main problem with affiliate marketing, of course, is that many people falsely believe it to be a method of overnight success. It most certainly is not.

The common denominator which separates the successful from the unsuccessful is personal branding. If you have dreams of either becoming a leader in your niche or a top affiliate within your company, you need to learn how to separate yourself from the thousands of other individuals who are trying to do the same thing. Due to the fact that most people hope the internet is an instant solution to their problems, most people don't do any work on branding themselves, which makes it easier for those who are prepared to put in the effort. []

This is where most people fail to put in the work when it comes to online marketing. Instead they buy into myths about secret formulas or miracle systems which claim to do all the work on autopilot. You cannot become your own boss unless you are prepared to work very hard on your chosen business opportunity.

While affiliate programs like Amazon and Empower Network offer ready-made businesses as an affiliate, in truth there is nothing stopping you from learning how to make money online with your favorite hobby if you choose to. In many cases you can even do both options, but be sure you have the necessary time to dedicate to what you are trying to achieve.

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