Some Small Businesses Fail To Provide Workers Compensation Atlanta GA

By Maria Moore

While it is all well and good for communities to support and spend money with small businesses, there is a dark side to this for those who work for these entities. Small business owners are not always required to provide Workers Compensation Atlanta GA. When they fail to protect their employees in this way, it often results in putting people in dire straights.

The jobs most likely to result in injuries are often the jobs least likely to provide this very coverage. Construction bosses typically will keep only enough people in their employ to get the work done without going over the number necessary to require this insurance. This means that a serious injury winds up being a catastrophic situation for the worker and their family.

Very few subcontractors have any sort of health coverage, so a work related injury winds up coming out of their own pockets. Pockets that are no longer being filled by their weekly wages due to their injury. They are forced to shoulder the cost themselves, and often they wind up being forced into retirement with a small penance from Social Security Disability.

A resident of Georgia who never pays anything into the Social Security Disability system can expect to collect eight hundred dollars each month, or less. Georgia is known for having a high cost of living, and this amount is not adequate to sustain even one person. Most workers have families that rely on their paycheck, and everyone finds themselves in a hardship situation when they get hurt.

If the employers realized how affordable this coverage can be, they might be more likely to provide it. For those who like to retain good employees, being able to see them given the proper treatment for their injury is vital. Good workers generally want to return to work as soon as possible, and there are systems in place to help them be able to do just that.

Georgia and South Carolina are states which provide a subsequent injury trust fund for work comp claims that arise more than once during the life of a worker. It is not uncommon for an employee to return to work as soon as possible, especially when the employer does not provide any short term disability pay. When they return too soon, they run the risk of injuring themselves again, or worsening an existing injury.

The trust fund reimburses the carrier for all re-injury claims. This reimbursement is provided even if the employee no longer works for the company where they were injured at originally. This allows the employer to continue providing this coverage to all employees without seeing huge premium increases due to the injury of one or two people.

Small business owners should always be encouraged to provide this protection for their employees. Accidents do happen, and often they happen to excellent employees. Employers who wish to keep good people will do well to spend the little bit of money necessary to protect themselves, and their people, from having to carry the burden of medical expenses themselves.

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