Pros and cons of Conferencing

By Kirk Basset

Conference calls have become indispensible part of any business, be it a small scale or large scale business. If any business calls for a regular meeting with clients or business partners, conference call is the most suitable option. This makes meetings hassle free and is also one of the most cost-effective methods. There are three major types of conferencing used by companies: Audio or Tele, Web and Video conferencing. There are advantages and disadvantages related to each one of them.

Audio or Tele conference calls are the most popular option. Using audio conferencing appeals to the budget conscious. Basically the only expense involved in organizing an audio conference is the cost of a telephone and the charge for the call. Built- in speaker phones resolve the equipment issue. But audio conferencing has its related disadvantages also. The major issue is that personal relations suffer when you cannot see the other person. Such meetings generally involve people from different parts of the world, and many users find it difficult to recognize another's serious or humorous attitude. This can unnecessarily spoil personal relations.

Positive and negative aspects affect the workability of Web conferencing. It is cheap and can be virtually free. Any company with a high speed data connection can set up Web conferencing. This option comes in handy when a business meeting requires group efforts like document sharing, review, analysis and editing. Modern web sharing technologies offer possibilities for free screen sharing, group document editing and sharing of files, etc.

Web conferencing, like any other method, has some disadvantages as well. Again, personal behavior, especially humor, can be misunderstood. Simultaneous document editing can result in confusion. Web conferencing without audio input can escalate to high levels of confusion. To solve this problem web conferencing is often combined with audio over VoIP, or other options, including teleconferencing.

Video conferencing takes conferencing to another level; people in geographically distant locations can meet virtually face to face via video cameras. Video connections bring people together in a virtual space where they can interact with virtual projections of their counterparts.

Better equipments including cameras, microphones, speakers, high speed internet, best in class sharing tools, equipped together can make conferencing the best and cost effective solution for your business. But at the same time, choosing the correct conferencing methodology based on the requirements is very essential. Poor quality equipments or the conferencing method chose not being apt for the requirement can seriously damage relationship with clients and can cause a negative impact on your business. At the same time using the best of the available technologies can take your business to new heights.

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