Proved Attraction Marketing Secrets Disclosed

By Larry Franklee

What is attraction marketing and why should you even care?

Here's the final analysis. Attraction marketing is a method of gracefully presenting your info, products, services and business opportunity to prospects who are actively searching for and shopping buying that info now - vs just pushing ads out to absolutely everybody hoping someone could be interested at the time your ads appear.

It is the difference between interrupting the bulk of people with an offer they have positively no interest in and coming along side those who have voiced an interest to learn more now. It is the difference between throwing mud on the wall hoping some will stick and taking aim at your target and hitting a bullseye ever single time.

The Key to Attraction Marketing

You've a product or service for sale and you have a lot of options available to advertise, market and promote your business. You can run ads both offline and online. You can build an ecommerce store and drive highly targeted traffic to your website using a spread of paid traffic models like Google Pay-Per-Click, mobile marketing, paid index inclusion and even set up an affiliate programme to get other marketing pros to market for you.

All these direct marketing strategies work, but they fall into the category of interruption marketing. Meaning you hope to interrupt and catch the attention of possible clients as they are going about the business of doing something else at the time.

Attraction marketing is when you find out how to make your content simply found when people are actively searching for it. Which, if you think about, will immediately reduce your advertising costs and should significantly improve sales. Because it is much easier to secure a sale from a person already in the mood to buy your type of product or service than it is to pitch your product or service to anyone who can fog a mirror.

Attraction Marketing is Target Marketing

Say you have just won two tickets to see a production. You can not attend and would like to sell these two tickets. One way is generally to advertise the tickets and sustain a cost that will awfully cut your profit margin. Not to mention the campaign may stay unseen and the tickets never sell.

Another choice would be to go to a theater where the movie is showing and approach only those people who are waiting in a line to purchase tickets to see the film. They benefit by avoiding the line. You benefit by getting your tickets sold with nominal expense. You might even provide a small discount to make your offer more attracting.

Online Attraction Marketing

The key to setting up an effective attraction marketing campaign online is to figure out who is your best target market. Then use various research tools like the free Google External Keyword tool to find out precisely how people who are "in line" to purchase your product or service are searching for your product or service.

Then meet them where they are . Supply the information they are searching for by publishing this information on your internet site or blog. Then promote your content to rank high up on the search engines, social media sites and video platforms so it can be simply found. Do it right and you will find attraction marketing a very easy and terribly profit-making way to do business.

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