The advantages of automation mixed with wireless technology

By Todd Smith

Recently the clamor for wireless technologies has been growing exponentially, including in the automation industry. There are so very many potential applications in producing the sheer options can become overpowering. The key has a sound method for wireless applications, realizing that some systems benefit from hard-wiring, and that hard-wiring also makes a good 'back up ' plan for when a wireless system goes down.

There are several common applications for wireless technology in the automation industry. One is straightforward monitoring. This often gets shot of the necessity for a human eye. Over a period that will save a company money. Think about inventory control as a superb example, including remote inventories. Especially in substantial companies this becomes a difficult task for staff doing it by hand. Having a wireless, automated application simplifies everything and also provides more precision.

Another glorious application for wireless monitoring is for identifying issues with energy usage and management. By pin-pointing variables in say gas usage a company can then find out how to decrease consumption (again saving money). The same type of monitoring is applicable to pipeline instrumentation. The wireless mechanical system can track remote data habitually.

Having claimed all that, there are limits. Some control processes simply aren't suited to underlying wifi network necessities. The secret here is how speedily the wireless system provides reply, and what response time is needed. In these time delicate circumstances, hard-wiring remains the right way to go.

The best way to know definitely if your automation systems suit the wireless world is by checking your current substructure. What should be added to that infrastructure to deal with the wireless service insuring proper performance? Those elements must be part of your financial position and your planning process. Think about this like laying a foundation to a building. Each proverbial stone needs to be solid and placed in the right order, particularly if you selected mesh networking. The great part of this design is that each device communicates with each other device in the network, and can also become a router if it is necessary. As you expand the number of sensors in this system, the father your wireless network stretches.

What about overall guidelines for wireless technology in automation? There have been steps made here as well. The industry standards is known as WirelessHART. These standards provide protocols for a wide-range of wireless communications. While this is no means a unified standard, it's a start.

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