The Only Website Properties And Web Tools You Need For Online Marketing Success

By Dawn Damico

With all the online options available for your online business, it's too easy to get overwhelmed. When you experience that, one or all of these things can happen: 1) you waste time on tasks that only serve to drain your energy 2) you waste dollars on tools that don't work and 3) you avoid doing anything out of shear mental exhaustion!

Don't worry. Every online success story today once spent time treading water in the sea of overwhelm, just like you!

Recently, the top video and online marketing strategist revealed some of his favorite websites and website properties which he uses to successfully (and easily) run his 6-figure online business. Yes, these are those "keys" everyone is always talking about!

Your Blog: Your Main Web Property

Free, Paid, and Social Platforms. There are no shortage of options so which one should you use as the foundation for your business? The answer is: somewhere that you have the most control.

Just like in the real world, the more control you have in your business the better. There's always some risk when you build your online empire using on someone else's real estate. Sure, you can get a lease; however, when that lease ends or the contract is terminated, you have to leave. You could be out of business overnight unless you've established an active following that will follow you.

If your business is online, then this can happen as well. What's the solution? Be sure that you hold the keys and the deed to your online business "home." That means a blog, but not just any blog. This is a blog ( that you own, with a domain name you've purchased, and where you have paid for hosting.

The main hub and foundation of your business is your blog, your website. Here are the online tools you should be using -

Content Platform: (not the free hosting version!)

Build Your Customer Base

It's not enough for your online business to get traffic to your site. Once your potential customers click away, you may be matter how awesome you and your content are...UNLESS...

You provide opt-in opportunity where site visitors can sign up for a compelling free offer.

The website tool you can use to quickly incorporate great looking and multi-device compatible squeeze pages is

What about Making Money?

Building your blog isn't the end of the work. Soon after your site it "pretty" you will wonder how you can actually make money online. The answer is: Selling SOMETHING online. But what?

How you make money depends on your business model and your niche. You may sell a product, a service, or a piece of software that's going to benefit your future customers in some way, shape or fashion.

Whatever it is, you need a sales page. This is your 24-hour virtual sales person and the best tools to use for that include:,,

These tools do double duty! You can use them for opt-ins AND also for Sales Pages and Marketing Landing Pages. They include tons of templates that already look amazing and are optimized to function well on many devices, like mobile, and many browsers.

With templates in hand, don't let the coding stop you. Don't be afraid to hire someone to help you that do this sort of thing for a living!

Paid Content and Training

Have you considered content on a subscriber-only or paid basis?

Now it's Time to Put it Together!

There it is...the best tools for your online business.

What do you think? While you may use other tools, these are four of the basics for building an online business.

Start now to put your own online business system in place. This could be the beginning of a better business!

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