Apple Pay: Can Bobby Jain Support It?

By Rebecca Mills

Apple is one of those companies which has a tremendous amount of weight when it comes to technology. I am sure that no one will be able to deny this point, especially when considering that said company has been responsible for the rise of devices like the iPod and the iPhone. However, with news about Apple Pay, it seems as though there is more of a reason for Bobby Jain and others to take notice. In order to better understand what may be in Apple Pay's future, certain details should be noted.

For those who do not know, Apple Pay is the company's mobile form of payment. In theory, this system will allow you to pay for items across various stores without the use of your wallet, credit card, or debit card. Yes, all you would truly need is your own mobile device; specifically, this feature has been integrated into the iPhone 6. For those who have loyalty cards and the like, such information can be placed in Apple Pay as well.

Expiration dates will be less of a concern as well; this is mostly due to the ways in which the app is built. For those who do not know, when your credit or debit card's expiration date has arrived, Apple Pay will automatically replace the old information with newer details. What this means is that you will not have to worry about making use out of an expired card ever again. It's a strong point, to say the least, though one has to wonder what Bobby Jain and others will have to offer in terms of critique.

According to companies along the lines of Robert Jain Credit Suisse, digital payment methods are nothing new. In fact, with bitcoins and other potential methods brought into effect, Apple Pay's integration should not come as any surprise. In fact, it serves as another useful component added to smartphones, which already house everything from social media information to games. Even though the incorporation of payment methods is strong, consumer care will still be stressed by Bobby Jain.

Seeing as how anyone can secure another person's financial information, safety has to be brought into effect. For one, everyone should treat their iPhone as if it is an essential part of their being, never once being left out of their possession. The iPhone 6 comes with further security measures as well, so it's in an individual's best interest to make the most out of these as possible. You aren't without protection, which further illustrates the usefulness of Apple Pay.

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