Advice To Reduce Your Energy Bills This Winter By Draught Proofing Your Apartment

By Donald Stott

Making our homes more efficient is definitely beneficial to both the consumer as well as the planet. The expenses are always rising without an end in sight, mostly with regards to energy costs. However, draught proofing your home to reduce energy bills this winter will help cut costs dramatically.

Don't just deal with the big problems, although these need the quickest attention, even a hole the size of a pin will have an effect on the energy consumption. Determining a leak is easy to do and requires only a stick of incense. It is highly recommended however, that the test is conducted on a windy day. Use the incense smoke as a guide as you run it along different areas of the home and see if the smoke is disturbed.

By sealing the gaps, the home will be more comfortable and the heat loss will be reduced by about 10%. Correcting these gaps or cracks is often easy to do and requires only materials that can be found at local hardware stores which are quite inexpensive.

Just do the math to see exactly how much you'll be saving with this 10% reduction and then multiply it to see how much you'll be saving over the many years to come. It's safe to say that it is a very worthwhile investment.

Remember to check not only the obvious places which are the doors and windows, but also plumbing connections to the walls, the dryer outlet and its exhaust, and all electrical boxes on external walls. If there is a fireplace in the home, it is important to check this as well because these sneaky leaks can cost an extra 8% on your heating bill.

To resolve this problem, make it an attractive seal by buying a 2 inch thick Styrofoam and cut it to size. Decorated with an attractive piece of fabric that is suitable to the decor of the room simply by attaching it with a staple gun. Then, simply fit it into the opening when it is not being used, being careful to ensure that this technique is only for wood burning fireplaces, not for gas. Another important it is to close the flue when it is not in operation and the fire is certainly extinguished.

Draught proofing your windows is very important because there is a lot of heat loss occurring here in most cases. This is usually a bigger job but it is well worth it because your home will be much more comfortable once it's done. A quick tip is to use heavy fabric window treatments, thick roller blinds or vertical blinds.

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