Don't Buy a Big Company's DVD Copying Software - Here's Why

By James Kirk

There are a few different ways to copy DVDs. Let's take a look at some DVD copying software information that you can follow to make a duplicate of a CD or DVD that you have.

1. Installing DVD copying software from the Internet.

This is the best method in my opinion. Simply because it's affordable and you can get started right now from your own home. You don't have to jump in your car and go to some store and drop down $50 or $100. Instead you can visit a site, find a tool that looks good, and download it for much less than the hundred bucks you would have spent at Best Buy or something.

2. Getting software physically from a computer vendor.

You used to have to buy these big brand tools in order to use the DVD burner that you recently bought. In fact, they usually came with it. However, things are different now. Instead of going with this big software that is usually bloated with additional information and tracking and all sorts of stuff, you can get very light weight and efficient software from the Internet.

Why You Should Use a Smaller Tool

Imagine if you purchased one of the really big brand's DVD copying software programs. What happens if you have some sort of problem? You're pretty much going to either give them a quick call or visit a forum or something. You'll be dealing with a machine and not a real person for some time. Then they'll try and help you to solve your problem.

There's never a point in time where you will be talking to the actual person who made the program themselves. This is the big issue.

On the other and, using DVD copying software from a smaller brand is better this way. They communicate and let you speak with whoever is in charge. Usually it's a tiny company anyway, so they just do everything themselves. That's what you want. Real communication, real answers. People who care and will take the time to talk to you.

Adding features to a program is also easier when it's smaller. Big brand software developers have issues staying up to speed because of all the hoops everybody has to jump through. But you'll find important and new features on smaller brands because they can just add whatever they see is necessary.

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