In order to run a successful fitness business, you need to have a robust marketing plan. Do you have one? Are you aware of how to draw one up? You may need some help with strategy and content when it comes to a marketing blueprint for your business. Many people who own businesses struggle with this, so if you are one of them, you are in good company.
I am about to share with you some tips that I share with the clients that I do business coaching with. It will help you as you look forward to the upcoming year and design a marking plan to carry you through the remaining months. One of the premier things to think about is your mindset. It is more important to take the time to build relationships with your clients rather than trying to get an easy sale out of them.
You see, you clients must have time to get to know you and to trust you. This is hard for big gyms to do, but it is not that hard for you to do. Be patient and start selling them small packages at first, and then you can lead up to the larger offers that you have.
Another thing to keep in mind is that clients need easy ways to understand the science, behavior modification and health tips that will help them to transform themselves into fit people. However, as fitness professionals, we have to be careful with the "Curse of Knowledge."
The curse of knowledge refers to large amount of information that you have learned as a fitness professional. As a trainer, you have a lot of knowledge. You've been studying health and fitness for a long time and you know a lot. This knowledge is part of who you are and it is not difficult for you.
Well, when the average person faces something new and is bombarded with knowledge, it goes in one ear and out the other. But we want it to "stick." We want them to remember and follow all the steps that will make things better. So we need to be sure to present the information in easy to understand terms to them.
I am about to share with you some tips that I share with the clients that I do business coaching with. It will help you as you look forward to the upcoming year and design a marking plan to carry you through the remaining months. One of the premier things to think about is your mindset. It is more important to take the time to build relationships with your clients rather than trying to get an easy sale out of them.
You see, you clients must have time to get to know you and to trust you. This is hard for big gyms to do, but it is not that hard for you to do. Be patient and start selling them small packages at first, and then you can lead up to the larger offers that you have.
Another thing to keep in mind is that clients need easy ways to understand the science, behavior modification and health tips that will help them to transform themselves into fit people. However, as fitness professionals, we have to be careful with the "Curse of Knowledge."
The curse of knowledge refers to large amount of information that you have learned as a fitness professional. As a trainer, you have a lot of knowledge. You've been studying health and fitness for a long time and you know a lot. This knowledge is part of who you are and it is not difficult for you.
Well, when the average person faces something new and is bombarded with knowledge, it goes in one ear and out the other. But we want it to "stick." We want them to remember and follow all the steps that will make things better. So we need to be sure to present the information in easy to understand terms to them.
About the Author:
About the author: Vito La Fata is an entrepreneur and coach who can teach you more about successful fitness marketing systems. Find fitness business coaching and get more information by visiting his site.
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