Thousands of men and women have put social bookmarking to powerful use for off-page optimization plus assorted marketing strategies. There appears to be no let-up with their popularity, especially for off-page SEO purposes. However, you will find long-term strategic methods that can be used at the more heavy weight bookmarking sites. So it all just is dependent upon what you want to do in your business. Social bookmarking sites generally give you a place to keep bookmarks, for those who are definitely new to IM. You can designate tags (keywords) to your bookmarks, and that actually has SEO benefits but a great deal depends on the particular site.
Several years ago the more popular bookmark sites made all their links to nofollow which had a huge impact on bookmark rankings. Seems people were able to rank highly from places like Digg and a few others. Who really knows if Google had any influence over those powerful book-marking sites and the nofollow relational attribute. However it is interesting, and we all know how Google is or can be.
Make no mistake about what is feasible at high PR bookmarking web sites when you consider a different approach with them. The majority of people who use them for backlinking tend to make very thin profiles that provide no value to the particular community. However, I am knowledgeable of people who do take a couple more minutes developing their profiles. They have found that the more 'full bodied' profiles do not get removed and have a longer shelf life. This really is the best way to go for many reasons, and you will have the opportunity to use them for powerful bookmarking for a long time.
When you do build a useful profile with content material, then naturally you can produce an RSS feed from that. You can market your RSS feed at other places and RSS web directories.
You may include your various links plus precise content in your feeds, too. Just make certain you provide exceptional content in your feeds and stay clear of being spammy with the links in them.
Just look at your feeds, and you will know when you're going too far with promotional links, etc. You can accomplish a lot if you have solid relationships in place at bookmarking sites. It is not necessary to spend time building relationships and getting known, but it doesn't have to be totally time consuming. Say for illustration you have got a internet site on anti wrinkle products you simply just can't begin giving people hyperlinks to your website; you first have to develop a relationship with them.
The important thing about social bookmarking is how you use it is entirely up to you. We all possibly realize most marketers only desire the off page SEO value with bookmarking sites, and that is cool. Perhaps you can try it at just one powerful bookmarking site and see how you like the results.
Several years ago the more popular bookmark sites made all their links to nofollow which had a huge impact on bookmark rankings. Seems people were able to rank highly from places like Digg and a few others. Who really knows if Google had any influence over those powerful book-marking sites and the nofollow relational attribute. However it is interesting, and we all know how Google is or can be.
Make no mistake about what is feasible at high PR bookmarking web sites when you consider a different approach with them. The majority of people who use them for backlinking tend to make very thin profiles that provide no value to the particular community. However, I am knowledgeable of people who do take a couple more minutes developing their profiles. They have found that the more 'full bodied' profiles do not get removed and have a longer shelf life. This really is the best way to go for many reasons, and you will have the opportunity to use them for powerful bookmarking for a long time.
When you do build a useful profile with content material, then naturally you can produce an RSS feed from that. You can market your RSS feed at other places and RSS web directories.
You may include your various links plus precise content in your feeds, too. Just make certain you provide exceptional content in your feeds and stay clear of being spammy with the links in them.
Just look at your feeds, and you will know when you're going too far with promotional links, etc. You can accomplish a lot if you have solid relationships in place at bookmarking sites. It is not necessary to spend time building relationships and getting known, but it doesn't have to be totally time consuming. Say for illustration you have got a internet site on anti wrinkle products you simply just can't begin giving people hyperlinks to your website; you first have to develop a relationship with them.
The important thing about social bookmarking is how you use it is entirely up to you. We all possibly realize most marketers only desire the off page SEO value with bookmarking sites, and that is cool. Perhaps you can try it at just one powerful bookmarking site and see how you like the results.
About the Author:
Caitlyn Sierra has a passion for losing weight, however she has also written on fat burning exercises, check out both of his sites: Eat To Lose Weight And Fat Burning Exercise
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