A Guide For Getting Tumblr Followers

By Dane Wheezing

Tumblr was first started back in 2007 and is a small blogging platform that allows users to make posts using text or images and even video. It is really easy to use and learn and you can have people following you, and you could follow them back. These are known as Tumblr followers.

There are a lot of different ways for increasing the amount of people who are following you and we will look at a few of them in this article. Amongst the easiest ways is to simply start writing content that is interesting and unique. As a general rule it's best to stay on one topic, and update your micro-blog a minimum of one time per day.

If you are a Facebook user or have an account at some the other social networking sites, you may want to start publicizing your tumbler blog, this is a good way to let friends in your network know when you are updating. Some of these followers will take notice and visit your micro-blog.

Always be sure and have a profile that is interesting, and that your blogging theme matches the content. Pick out a unique user name and start posting on a regular schedule. Liking other users in your network and re-blogging the more popular ones could get you additional followers as well. You could also start leaving comments which would give you more exposure over time.

Tumblr is really a great micro blogging system which gives you total control of over how you want to blog. In fact the options include being able to set up various other blogs under one single account. You can have ones that are private and are password protected, or open to the public.

You can also find some really great themes as there are many available, or if you prefer you might set up a custom page based on your tastes as it is extremely easy to set up. If you have ever published on WordPress or similar platforms then you will feel comfortable posting on this one. Uploading videos or pictures is a breeze.

If you are somebody who enjoys blogging and you want something that is really simple to use then this one is really perfect and will meet all your needs. Sharing messages and multimedia is quick and easy and a lot of fun. With all the large social networking sites out there, Tumblr is the perfect choice for those who need something fast and convenient. It has experienced tremendous growth and it appears that it will continue to do so for quite sometime.

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