What Lies Behind Insurance And Financial Industry Trends

By Ed Hulse

The insurance and financial industry trends were both rocked by the global financial crisis of 2008 to 2010. The crisis triggered a string of collapses of prestigious financial institutions and brought into question the established economic ideals of West capitalism. However many analysts claim that after significant restructuring, economies all over the world decided to balance an interventionist schema with a pragmatic approach that can deregulate swiftly based on domestic conditions.

One of the big concerns of modern corporations is the issue of responsibility and accountability regarding social and environmental decisions. Ernst & Young have printed a white paper showing that in 2010, there was a rise in shareholder resolutions which specifically emphasized the environment or similar issues of company accountability. Last year saw 191 resolutions over the 150 in the previous year.

It is claimed social and environmental concerns are on the verge of a breakthrough in corporate America. Social responsibility resolutions have been gaining steady support from investors for the past six years. Twenty six per cent of ExxonMobil investors voted for the company to reveal more information to the public about its hydraulic fracturing process. This method of pumping high-pressure fluid through rock fractures to extract oil and natural gas is claimed to cause environmental damage.

The recent global economic events have changed widely held beliefs regarding unlimited growth for corporations. Companies now need to shift their focus to sustaining long-term and steady growth as opposed to erratic bursts to meet their numerous financial goals. Sustainability requires a new pragmatic outlook where growth is not hazardously pursued.

Corporations have faltered and in some cases collapsed as a result of unrealistic growth projects that bet heavily on markets and regions or because they could not sustain expansion in a turbulent economic climate. The modern corporate strategy of sustainability requires strong leaders who can appease investor expectations and locate where the new engines of growth will begin.

The series of natural catastrophes at the start of 2011 is expected by many to raise insurances rates worldwide. Disasters in Australia, Japan and New Zealand were tragic occurrences that hugely increased the number of claims.

Lloyds of London, the largest insurance market in the world, said the series of disasters such as earthquakes and floods were likely to firm up insurance rates as companies look to recoup their losses. Caitlin, one of the largest insurers operating in the market, said a broad rise in rates across the market would be expected due to the high number of catastrophe losses in the first quarter of 2011.

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