New Players Can Gain More Skills with Modded Controllers

By Evelyn Connors

Like you have known about it. Being called as a beginner while playing an online match of your loved title. You've also probably heard the numerous variations of it like noobie, new annoyance, bullet fodder, and the rest. They forget that they too were once noobs also. Fortunately, you could have an advantage with the help of modded controllers, which they probably never had the opportunity to practice one while growing their skills as a gamer.

With the aid of modded controllers you can turn the tides around with the expertise you can gain from using them over some time with them. There are a large amount of customizations you can choose from that can boost your skills as a gamer. From rapid fire mods to jitter mods to even those for non-FPS mods for games like Madden. However, since the majority of gamers play FPS games then likely you are looking for one of these controllers.

To put in an instance, how about using a fast reload controller? This mod can be of use to anyone lacking in FPS titles like Battlefield 3. In these games, time is not on your side during a match and reloading can grab a lot of time. Though you can shave off a lot with a fast reload controller. For instance, say that you were the final one because your whole team has been gunned down by extreme of enemy fire. With this modification you can make a last stand against waves of approaching enemies from the opposing team because you can reload faster and take that time to aim and gun them down.

Or maybe, you want something different. Most beginning players like to use the guns that have accuracy but only go off in three-round bursts every time you use the trigger. But gamers who use them desire the help of rapid fire. Fortunately with an auto burst controller you can own everyone with the advantage of both rapid fire and the accuracy you'd have with those rifles

So, in the end, whether you need a mod like an auto burst controller, or any other kind out there, you can be a noob with the help of these modded controllers. Gamers will be amazed when you go back online to dominate them, dropping their faces in awe at how great you have gotten in such a small amount of time. Which will result to asking you how you became God-like so fast.

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