If you keep up with all of the latest cellular market news you already know that, as far as popularity is concerned, the Android OS is rapidly gaining on the iPhone and Blackberry OSes. This is partly because the Android OS is used in a wide variety of phones. This might also be because the operating system itself is constantly being worked on, upgraded and developed which makes it highly competitive against the other smart phone OSes that are on the market. Unlike the other two major competitors for smart phones (Blackberry and iPhone) the Android/Google phones are widely varied and come in a bunch of different styles and vary in the extensiveness of their software. Here are some great facts about the Android and Google phones that you might not yet know.
After the article about spy on text messages that we wrote this seemed like a good followup topic.
This is exactly the type of article we love to write about. I think it's a good followup to our piece on spy on texts.
According to one website we found, Google is not actually the Android creator. We are well aware of the fact that most people credit Google with this. Some people even call them "Google phones" when they go shopping for them. From what we could find out, the actual creators of the Android OS are Rich Miner and Andy Rubin. It was actually invented in 2003 by these guys who then sold it to Google for a tidy profit. In spite of the 2003 purchase, Google decided to sit on the OS for a few years while it was further developed and improved and readied for the cellular market.
If you are less than thrilled with the handset of your iPhone you don't have a whole lot of options. If you aren't happy with your Blackberry headset you have a few options to choose from. If you aren't happy with one of the handsets that uses the Android OS you have plenty of other options to choose from. Google phones are your best bet if you like having lots of choices available to you. This is true because each of the major cell phone makers is starting to implement the Android OS for their phones so it won't matter what kind of headset you like the best, there will be a Google phone that uses it.
You have lots of options if you want to listen to and buy music through the Android OS phone. Being able to use the iTunes store and library is one of the biggest perks of being an iPhone owner. You can still have a great deal of access if you have a Google phone. There are plenty of music apps for Android phones out there and most of them are free. Others will allow you to connect to music sales stores in much the same way that you would use your iPhone to browse the iTunes store.
Don't believe anybody who tries to tell you that you can only listen to and buy music from your phone if you have an iPhone.
You can probably think of many reasons to choose the Android phone over the other smart phones that are available. The fact is that the Android OS is fantastic. This would be true even if we weren't ready to admit that we are fans of the system. Every day there are new upgrades and updates being made available and thanks to the system's open source status, everyone is welcome to play around and improve it! It won't be long before the Android phones are just as popular as their smart phone competitors. Soon the Google phone will, no doubt, become at least as popular (if not more popular) than the "traditional" smart phone models.
After the article about spy on text messages that we wrote this seemed like a good followup topic.
This is exactly the type of article we love to write about. I think it's a good followup to our piece on spy on texts.
According to one website we found, Google is not actually the Android creator. We are well aware of the fact that most people credit Google with this. Some people even call them "Google phones" when they go shopping for them. From what we could find out, the actual creators of the Android OS are Rich Miner and Andy Rubin. It was actually invented in 2003 by these guys who then sold it to Google for a tidy profit. In spite of the 2003 purchase, Google decided to sit on the OS for a few years while it was further developed and improved and readied for the cellular market.
If you are less than thrilled with the handset of your iPhone you don't have a whole lot of options. If you aren't happy with your Blackberry headset you have a few options to choose from. If you aren't happy with one of the handsets that uses the Android OS you have plenty of other options to choose from. Google phones are your best bet if you like having lots of choices available to you. This is true because each of the major cell phone makers is starting to implement the Android OS for their phones so it won't matter what kind of headset you like the best, there will be a Google phone that uses it.
You have lots of options if you want to listen to and buy music through the Android OS phone. Being able to use the iTunes store and library is one of the biggest perks of being an iPhone owner. You can still have a great deal of access if you have a Google phone. There are plenty of music apps for Android phones out there and most of them are free. Others will allow you to connect to music sales stores in much the same way that you would use your iPhone to browse the iTunes store.
Don't believe anybody who tries to tell you that you can only listen to and buy music from your phone if you have an iPhone.
You can probably think of many reasons to choose the Android phone over the other smart phones that are available. The fact is that the Android OS is fantastic. This would be true even if we weren't ready to admit that we are fans of the system. Every day there are new upgrades and updates being made available and thanks to the system's open source status, everyone is welcome to play around and improve it! It won't be long before the Android phones are just as popular as their smart phone competitors. Soon the Google phone will, no doubt, become at least as popular (if not more popular) than the "traditional" smart phone models.
About the Author:
Need to spy on text messages? It's easy with cell monitoring software! With it you can find out what someone else is doing.
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