Getting SMS Text Messaging

By Aron Digirolomo

There are these young church goers in the society and most churches at present are looking forward to having them in their group. SMS Text messaging have extended their help and convenience to churches nowadays playing as a medium for communication for their members.Although, there are still some churches that never did jump into the bandwagon of communication technology, some have churches have already went past thru electronic messaging and even used the text messaging to send and receive messages from each members.

The use of projection somehow is limited because of the budget. It is because the video projectors and the necessary software are very expensive things that smaller congregations can't afford. Churches nowadays, may it be a big or a small church, are now capable of buying multimedia devices that are necessary to enrich worship and ministry for these products of technology have considerably dropped their prices as latest products of the same kind enters the market.

Mobile marketing companies during this time are flooding people with marketing text messages, so why can't churches get their slice of the pizza? Text messaging is quite helpful in a way that it could further add to the attendees of Sunday masses and at the same time, it can get straight information from the congregation like their insights about the church's activities and what things could even help improve the church.

Older members of the congregation may not have thought of the benefits that SMS text messaging has for they might find it only obtrusive. Even the older members of the congregation will soon learn that SMS text messages will impact the face of the church experience forever. Endless possibilities are being offered by SMS text messaging by auto sending daily devotionals, to activity updates, to ad hoc giveaways in order to keep people connected in the Church.

Another advantageous aspect of text messaging for churches is the process of collections for church programs or charities. Text messaging can be a good way of reminding members of the congregation to bring on their used clothing or toys for their charitable activities. Parishioner will have more inclination to join in the churches' activities since the SMS text messages that they receive comes as a a personal message.

Th major group that is will have the most tendency to get even more active in the church is the young church goers. As the church makes use of the advantage of sending and receiving information via SMS text messaging, the youngest members will develop in themselves the thought theat they are part of a single community aimed to be always active in the church's activity. This kind of communication has been very natural to the youth nowadays, and this is deemed to be effective in getting the youth participate and interact with older church members.

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