Article Marketing - Proven Article Writing Strategies

By Sara Maund

Many thousands of marketers take advantage of article marketing as a means to drive traffic. Knowing that article marketing is good for your profit margin is one thing. The other part is being able to write those kinds of articles that will give you the results you want. Lots of marketers don't feel they can do this, so they hire full-time article writers to do it for them. That's all well and good, but can you afford to outsource?

Top quality content articles can get expensive. Thankfully most people only need a little bit of help and coaching to learn how to write good articles. Next up, we'll share some great tips you can put to work immediately.

Remember that the readers of internet articles have short attention spans. This means that not many of them are going to want to sit around reading for a long time. Ok, so now you know you won't be writing short stories, here. For article marketing purposes, you'll want to keep it at about 400 words plus or minus - no more than 500. If you write more than five hundred words you run the risk of losing your reader's attention. If you are a good writer you could probably keep it for a few more hundred words, but if article writing is not your strong suit, keeping it short is a good idea. Do not ever copy anybody else's work.

There are certainly ethical and legal issues with that, not to mention you can seriously damage your reputation as a writer, or business person. With various services that make it easy to check for this, it's not a matter of 'if' you'll get caught, but rather - when. As mentioned, there are legal ramifications, and you probably don't really want to look like a fraud in front of everyone. Do not be concerned at all about whatever effort or time you need to devote to writing articles.

Writing two or three drafts for an article is a great idea. Checking for grammar and spelling mistakes should go without saying, and also check for overall quality and content structure. The first draft is not the one you want to publish, either. You want to go through your article at least twice before you submit it for publication. You'll find it very useful to have a friend, or anyone else, read through your article and offer suggestions.

If you study them, you'll see that these articles have a different structure than articles found in papers and magazines. The voice used in each is different from the other. It may be to your advantage to find out what the differences are. It may not be beneficial to write in a manner that people online are used to seeing. Maybe just pick-up a magazine and see if you can spot the difference. Articles and article marketing are 100% effective in their ability to bring in traffic.

Simply stated, bad articles do nothing but harm your business reputation, and they will not bring you the traffic you want. Therefore - the lesson here is that it's plain good business to take whatever time it requires to learn how to do this. The better your articles the more sales you will make!

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