Finding Video Production Clients Who Pay Decent Rates

By Kris Simmons

Most videographers find it hard to find a constant work flow that will give them regular income. An additional challenge is to find clients who can pay decent rates. If you have already tried joining networking groups, you just have to keep going in order to make the right connections.

The first time you try networking, you'll realize that it doesn't work at the initial meetings. Many members of these networks just want to ensure that you are legitimate before they speak to you about business.

I am aware that not everybody can network. However, those that say that it doesn't work are just doing it the wrong way. These are my reasons.

1.) You are most likely NOT choosing the correct networking opportunities

Obviously, you won't get the chance to introduce yourself with the correct prospect if you are not in the perfect place at an ideal time. It is not a good idea to attend networking meetings where the guests of that association are mostly small businesses or sales representatives who wanted to make a sale to these small companies. Do not go to these meetings.

2.) You incorrectly network at these meetings.

"Hunters" and "Farmers" are the two categories of networkers. The hunter attends these meetings to make a killing within an hour or earlier by looking at a target to sell business to before the meeting ends. People don't appreciate the fact that they are sold when they go to these meetings. This is the reason why "hunters" are not given any recognition at these events. Although network will give you business, it doesn't happen at the first meeting. You need to create good relationships with the people you meet before you can offer some type of business to them. This will occur in time.

In networking, you always want to be a farmer, planting as many seeds as you can at as many networking events as you have time or make time to attend. The key is to make time. You'll never feel like you have time so you need to schedule it as an appointment that can't be missed in order to make it work for you. Meet as many people as you can over time and give them your card and add them to your email list. This does work!

The other thing to realize is that when you network, you are setting yourself up for success in the future, not today. It's kind of like working out. 50 pushups today won't do anything to the appearance of your arms and chest. But, if you keep doing 50 pushups a day for 3 to 6 months, you will start to look pretty ripped. The same goes for networking or marketing in general. You have to keep at it for longer periods of time in order to see the benefits of your efforts.

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