The essential thing before starting any on-line business you need to consider is a web page. Mainly there are two things that every online business will need: web design and web hosting. The success of your online business will be directly impacted by the quality of the host and the web design.
Now on the internet you can find a lot of free web hosts but free hosting has many disadvantages:
1. Free servers are not very reliable. Your hosting data can be erased at any moment due to server problems or system failure.
2. You have very limited control over your site. Everyone who owns a web site wants as much control over his site as possible. Free servers don't offer much control functions.
3. When you sign up for free hosting you will have to agree to put huge banners on your site to promote the host. This banners will impact very badly on the quality of your site.
4. Disk Storage - Currently many web sites are not requiring a lot of space. But with time every site grows and later you will have to pay for more space or move your site to another host.
5. Bandwidth - you will have very limited amount of bandwidth every month. After you are out of bandwidth your site will be suspended until the end of the month. So after you have out of bandwidth you will have to pay if you want your site to be accesible.
To get enhanced features, security, freedom and speed for your web page, you need to pay. This is where paid web hosting comes in. Maybe quality web hosting is not free but its always the best choice for any web site. These days you can find quality web hosting for very low prices starting from just $3 a month. When you don't want to pay a lot of money and want quality web hosting Shared Hosting is the best choice. With every shared hosting plan you will get many advanteges over free hosting. So this 3-5 US are small price to pay for good web hosting.
After you have chosen the web plan the next thing you need to consider is to find good web template for your site. The ideal thing for this is to pay web designer to do the web design for you. However, not all people are willing to pay precious dollars for customized web template. For those people the best choice is to find free web templates.
Whether you host your web page on a blogging platform such as Wordpress, or CMS(Content Management Systems) such as Drupal and Joomla, you are guaranteed to find a web template that suits your general preferences. For example of you want a template for Drupal just go on Google and search "drupal templates" and you will find a ton of free templates.
Now on the internet you can find a lot of free web hosts but free hosting has many disadvantages:
1. Free servers are not very reliable. Your hosting data can be erased at any moment due to server problems or system failure.
2. You have very limited control over your site. Everyone who owns a web site wants as much control over his site as possible. Free servers don't offer much control functions.
3. When you sign up for free hosting you will have to agree to put huge banners on your site to promote the host. This banners will impact very badly on the quality of your site.
4. Disk Storage - Currently many web sites are not requiring a lot of space. But with time every site grows and later you will have to pay for more space or move your site to another host.
5. Bandwidth - you will have very limited amount of bandwidth every month. After you are out of bandwidth your site will be suspended until the end of the month. So after you have out of bandwidth you will have to pay if you want your site to be accesible.
To get enhanced features, security, freedom and speed for your web page, you need to pay. This is where paid web hosting comes in. Maybe quality web hosting is not free but its always the best choice for any web site. These days you can find quality web hosting for very low prices starting from just $3 a month. When you don't want to pay a lot of money and want quality web hosting Shared Hosting is the best choice. With every shared hosting plan you will get many advanteges over free hosting. So this 3-5 US are small price to pay for good web hosting.
After you have chosen the web plan the next thing you need to consider is to find good web template for your site. The ideal thing for this is to pay web designer to do the web design for you. However, not all people are willing to pay precious dollars for customized web template. For those people the best choice is to find free web templates.
Whether you host your web page on a blogging platform such as Wordpress, or CMS(Content Management Systems) such as Drupal and Joomla, you are guaranteed to find a web template that suits your general preferences. For example of you want a template for Drupal just go on Google and search "drupal templates" and you will find a ton of free templates.
About the Author:
There are many advantages of buying web hosting. Free hosting will never suite your needs. use any of these arvixe coupons codes or godaddy hosting coupon for very cheap hosting
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