Expand Your Circles By Getting More Followers On Google Plus

By Leon McLuur

Many people use social networking sites to stay connected with family and friends, meet new people or as part of their marketing strategy. No matter the reason, there's no denying the current popularity of such sites. One newcomer is Google Plus. As soon as you have set up your account, there's one challenge ahead of you: getting more followers on Google Plus.

One of the easiest ways to do so is by going to your homepage and clicking "Circle" located on the top section. Click "Find and Invite" and a listing of your Gmail contacts will be displayed. There are a few circles below the list. All you got to do is drop the person to the circle of your choice.

You will see that there are Family, Friends, Acquaintances and Following circles. It's also possible to add a new circle. Simply drag the person to the very first circle, the gray one. Clicking on "Add a new person" lets you type in a name not on the list.

Let your contacts from your other social networking site accounts know of your new venture. Announce how wonderful you find this new one and place a link to your profile so people who also just set up an account there may add you to their respective circles. It's not unlikely for some of your contacts to be not aware of it. Simply post that those who want invitations may privately send you their e-mails.

Be on the lookout for famous people putting up their accounts. Be it a recording artist, movie actor, painter or book writer, send the person an invitation. Participate actively in the posts so people there who are also looking for more followers may go over your profile and invite you if they find your comments there interesting enough.

Come up with striking posts that can go viral. It can be an amazing photograph, a nifty quote, amazing drawings or funny video clips. No matter what it is, see to it that it's worthy of being reposted or shared to others. Choose "Extended Circles" or "Public" to ensure that everyone can access it. If people like it, it's not unlikely for them to right away add you to their circles.

Making sensible comments on the post of your friends also helps in getting more followers on Google Plus. When taking part in discussions, see to it that you leave comments that make sense. When friends of friends run into your comments, they may get interested with you. This will lead to viewing of your profile and adding you to their circles.

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